John Bailey
John Bailey
I have been fishing fanatically since the age of four, and that is a very long time ago. I taught History and Classics for many years before leaving education in 1989 to embark on a life of writing, travel, photography, consultancy, media work, and guiding, very much of this focused on fish, fisheries, and fishing.

I have written over fifty books, many thousands of columns and features and have consulted on fisheries as far away as the Himalayas and Mongolia. More recently I have been working as fishing consultant for the BBC 2 series of Mortimer and Whitehouse – Gone Fishing.

I am delighted for this opportunity to repay our fish for all the joy they have given me over my life.

Simon Clark
Simon Clark
Simon Clark is a lawyer by training. He spent 38 years with one of the world’s leading law firms, including 7 years on the firm’s main board.

For the last 20 years or so he has also had a variety of voluntary roles in the charity and not-for-profit sector including Trustee, School Governor and Chair.

As a small boy, Simon chased sticklebacks, crayfish, and bullheads in his local River Mimram. Since then he’s been fascinated by fish and fishing. He is physically incapable of walking over a bridge without stopping to look into the water below.

Paul Whitehouse
Paul Whitehouse
Paul is an iconic actor, performer and writer who has been involved in many of the best-loved comedy shows over the last twenty five years, winning 5 BAFTAs and numerous other awards for shows such as The Fast Show, The Harry Enfield Television Programme, Nurse and Ghost Stories.

Most recently, Paul has starred in Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing, alongside good friend Bob Mortimer. The gentle, heart-warming series follows the good friends on a weekly fishing trip, complete with discussions about their impending mortality. The show is a resounding success, with series four currently in production.
Paul is a keen fisherman and supporter of native freshwater fish and their habitats.

Dr Mark Everard
Dr Mark Everard
Mark is Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services at the University of the West of England, Founding Director of the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART), an Angling Trust Ambassador and science advisor to the Salmon and Trout Association (S&TA). Mark is also a passionate fisherman and naturalist with a frequent presence in magazines, television and radio. He is keen to see fish populations protected and recognised as important elements of the river ecosystems that provide us with so much enjoyment and that sustain us now and into the future.
Kirsty Hewitt
Kirsty Hewitt
Kirsty is an infectious disease epidemiologist and a registered Public Health Specialist. She has worked in public health at national and local level and has a wealth of experience working on disease control programmes and conducting scientific research.

Kirsty is a strong believer in the mental and physical health benefits of time spent outdoors in nature, and is keen to help restore native fish populations to our natural environment for the enjoyment of all.

Having grown up in a fishing-mad household, she has recently moved into the world of fishing, with Thomas Turner and Fish & Fly.